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Creating a clean and healthy environment

Clean environment is the desire of everyone. But not easy to create an environment we can look clean and tidy so comfortable to be seen. Not infrequently because of the rush and various other reasons, we are less concerned about the cleanliness of the environment around us, especially the home environment. 
As the advancement of the level of people's minds as well as technological advances in all areas of life, the level of consciousness to have an environment with clean conditions should be improved than before. A variety of information about the importance of the environment with a clean and healthy condition can be known through print and online.
Of course the environment in a clean and healthy conditions will make the occupants comfortable and healthy body maintained. The health of the human body is the most vital position. The reason is certainly lead to the diversity of human life activities in meeting their needs.

net environmental benefits

 In fact, there are many benefits to be felt by someone with keeping their environment still looks clean and tidy. A clean environment will take away resources for disease develops around us. It was certainly related to health. Moreover, with a clean environment as well, we will feel comfortable and at ease to be at home.
Actually, not just limited to the home environment, but also the neighborhood where it resides. The house has become the closest part of human life. All the plans and preparation for future life, always planned at home for a large percentage of the people in this world.
So, it is proper to maintain cleanliness and health of the home environment is the responsibility of each individual. Although other factors outside of the home environment also affect the condition of cleanliness and health of the body, but the home environment including the most core and the first should be maintained first.       
Clean environments that are free from the garbage, will also be protected from disasters like floods during the rainy season. One of the causes of flooding in various regions is due to the large trash scattered thereby inhibiting the flow of water. This is one of the bad behavior seemed to have become a culture of Indonesian society, especially in urban areas.
Therefore, make the waste in scattered even buried conditions are not good. Efforts to cope with such bins are cleaned or recycled for materials that can be recycled, it can try to do is continue. Another effort that can be done, of course with the good cooperation between all parties. Not just limited to the individual but also on society as well as governments followed firmness of high concern to the problem of waste. Actually the thing that makes the dirty environment is not only limited to the trash, there are other things as well.       
There is the possible influence of the use of the materials for the needs of the materials or chemical synthesis and so on. It can be pursued to overcome them by inviting all people without exception he is a government official or not, all raised awareness for healthy living and clean.

clean and healthy living culture

Cultural throw garbage in rivers and ditches, leading to a clean environment is difficult to achieve. However, to change that habit was not an easy thing to do. Limited land to make the trash, the reason people of the city to dispose of waste indiscriminately.      
Therefore, reasonable if efforts through a clean and healthy living culture has not yet maximal conducted simultaneously in all regions. Therefore, the government's cooperation with the public must be well maintained in order to landfills as well as efforts to raise awareness of health and hygiene to be realized to the fullest.      
The government can not just limited to calling on the cleanliness of the environment is important. However, the government's role is more than that. Ranging from giving an example, plunge into the community through the dissemination of clean and real action provision of waste disposal area, the rules on hygiene and so on.      
Through good cooperation and mutual support, efforts to raise awareness of healthy living and clean culture would seem  easily realized in a short time. Effect of life in communities with cleanliness maintained will be immediately perceived directly.      
In addition, this review also will help provide an overview of the steps to create an environment with cleanliness maintained. This method includes an easy way to do jointly between individuals, communities until the government.

how to create a clean environment

The creation of clean environment is the responsibility of everyone including the government through policies and the realization of his actions. Furthermore, to foster such responsibility is required, and also a real step process. Processes and concrete steps that is the focus of our attention. Both of these must be done in tandem so that the purpose of creating an environment in a state of cleanliness maintained can be achieved without coercion. In addition, it is also a goal of awareness and the needs of all people. There are several steps that must be done to create a clean environment. Such steps include: 

  1. Providing awareness about the importance of a clean environment to the public, especially to children so that this awareness can grow from an early age. Familiarize clean life since the age of the children certainly more fruitful than habituation extraordinary suicide at the age thereafter. The reason is of course related to the awareness that managed to emerge through customs. Children do not need to be ordered or forced to always maintain personal hygiene and environment. They were given examples and understanding of the importance of cleanliness, it will stick and be done with the maximum and the best possible life. They will always remember the good positive things that are often done with awareness without fear, worry or anxiety if it has not managed to make the effort to maintain cleanliness. They will continue to learn and practice due to the surrounding environment provides examples and understanding correctly.  

  1. Make trash separating between organic and non-organic. This is important in order to facilitate efforts to tackle the garbage heap. If successfully separated organic waste, it will be easy to plan a positive step towards the trash. Garbage is a component that is so close to human life. And often in exile raises many problems. To that end, it should be considered the most appropriate way to manage solid waste disposal is included in the start of the stage in the household until the last disposal in place. Or also how to recycle waste in order to still be able to be used again. Keep a regular schedule for performing environmental cleanup activities are scheduled. 

  1. Through the schedule, then we will get used to the discipline of keeping the environment clean. No problem though there are constraints in implementation. But the important thing is the seriousness and sustainability of clean and healthy living We're not going to get or feel the benefits of a clean environment without the willingness of ourselves to do the environmental cleanup. And this should serve as a living habits. Not anymore as it is only done occasionally, but must be rescheduled or regularly scheduled basis.
  1.  Make a creative activity to manage non-organic waste into an object that is productive and can make money. It can be seen a variety of information through various media, both print and online. Indeed today has found many creative ideas to manage the return of waste into more useful goods. We can imitate an existing idea or think of other ideas were different. The most important point is that the waste can be processed to return without giving burden for nature and the environment.

  1.  Get used to dispose of waste in place. This will be very useful if given also to children, so it will be a pattern of behavior that is created in the subconscious. As has been mentioned that the waste problem is a classic problem. But can solved with a lot of simple things. By getting used to throw garbage into the trash right is beginning to address the problem of this waste.
That's several ways you can do to create a clean environment around us. With a clean environment it will be many benefits that will be felt by our lives.

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