correct sit, protect backbone's health
Some tips that can be done if we are sitting are :
Sit upright with your back straight and shoulders back. Attached to the seat holder thigh and buttocks should touch the back of the chair. The backbone has a shape that is slightly curved forward at the waist, so it can be put a pillow to support the curvature of the spine.
To determine the best position when sitting, first sit down at the rear end of the seat, then bend deeply. Then raise your body while making an arch with the center at the waist as far as possible in the future. Then loosen the position back to about 10-20 degrees. That's your best sitting position.
Knee position has an important role as well. For that bend the knee up level with the hips. Try not to cross their legs.
For the petite or using high-heeled shoes that feel too high chair
seat, use a booster legs also helps distribute the load on the legs.
If you want to write without a work table, use ground under foot, but the foot position remains parallel to the floor. However, this should not take too long because it will make the coccyx withhold part of the burden that comes from the thigh.
Seek breaks every 30-45 minutes by standing, stretching for a
moment, or a walk around your desk to rejuvenate your body in order to
keep concentrating at work.
Hand made as comfortable as possible on the table, but do not forget to rest your arm and elbow. If necessary, you can use the armrest to help reduce the load on your shoulders and neck that are not easily tired.
if want to take something that stands beside or behind, do not twist your back. Rotate the entire body as a whole.
Sitting too long is a risk factor for kidney stone formation. Therefore, in addition to doing regular stretching, highly recommended to consume enough drinking water.
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